The Names of Allah, subhana watala

Surely, the Muttaqun (the pious who fear Allah swt much) desire to be amongst the Mufarradun(those who remember Allah, subhana watala, much, and whose enemies are destroyed by Allah, t’ala, for their wrong deeds).
The Names of Allaah mentioned in the Qur’aan and Sunnah number over one hundred, as several scholars have agreed (see Al-Qawaa’id al-Muthlaa fi Sifaat Allaahi wa Asmaa’ihi by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih ibn ‘Uthaymeen). Among these names are 99 that will lead to paradise, insha’Allah.
There is a list of 99 specific Names of Allah that is found in hadith and is rejected as ‘weak’ by the following scholars: at-Tirmidhi, al-Baihaqi, ibn Hazm, al-Dawudi, ibn Taymiya, ibn Katheer, ibn Hajr, al-Juwaini, ibn Baz, al-Albani, ibn Uthaimin and Abdul Qadir al-Arnaut. They consider the actual listing of the names as a later addition by one of the narrators of the hadith and that some narrators mistakenly included it as part of the hadith. This well-known or at least highly publicized list contains Names of Allah swt that cannot be found in authentic hadith or Quranic text. Meanwhile, modern day Sufi’s exploit this list by offering mystical, unsupported advice for the use of each Name (i.e. “say this 100 times in a row over a glass of water, blow on it, and you are guaranteed success…”).
The fact that there are 99 Names leading to paradise, is authenticated in the following hadith, although it does not list which Names those are:
- Hadith – Sahih Muslim and Bukhari 8:419, Narrated Abu Huraira
: Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever ‘ahsaha’ [enumerates them, believes in them, ponders their meanings, worships Allah by them and supplicates with them, and acts by them according to one's belief in them] will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr (“Odd”, i.e. He is one, and it is an odd number) and loves ‘the Witr‘ (i.e., odd numbers).
The Names of Allah swt should be memorized, understood, acted upon, and called upon.
The 99 Names listed on these pages are not necessarily the 99 that you should learn in order to attain paradise, but are merely provided as a starting point for learning and ultimate means to draw near your Lord.
The Noble Qur’an Ta-Ha 20:8
Allâh! Lâ ilâhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
The Noble Qur’an Al-A’raf 7:180
And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.
“Shall I not inform you of the best of your deeds, the most sanctified in the sight of your Lord, that raises your ranks and that is better for you than spending in gold and money and better for you than meeting your enemy, striking their necks and them striking your necks?” They said, “Certainly [tell us].” He said, “It is dhikr (the remembrance of Allah).“. |
[Recorded by Al-Tirmidhi. Sahih by al-Albani. Muhammad Naasir al-Deen al-Albani, Sahih al-Jaami al-Sagher, vol. 1, p. 612] |
The Prophet (peace be upon him) made the following supplication, “[O Allah], I ask you of you by every name that You have named yourself or that You have revealed in Your book or that You have taught any of Your creation or that You have kept hidden, in the unseen knowledge, with Yourself.” (Recorded by Ahmad, According to al-Albani, it is sahih.)
1. | ALLAH | God | Ta Ha v 14 |  |
2. | AL-’AZIZ | The Mighty One | Hashr v 23 |  |
3. | AL-’ALIM | The All-Knowing | Al-Baqarah v 115 |  |
4. | AL-’AZIM | The Great One | Al-Baqarah v 255 |  |
5. | AL-’ALIYY | The Sublime | Shura v 12 |  |
6. | AL-AHAD | The One | Ikhlas v 1 |  |
7. | AL-AWWAL | The First | Hadid v 3 |  |
8. | AL-AKHIR | The Last | Hadid v 3 |  |
9. | AL-’AFUW | The Pardoner | Nisa v 149 |  |
10. | AL-AKRAM | The Most Bounteous | ‘Alq v 3 | |
11. | AL-A’LA | The Most High | A’la v 7 | |
12. | AL-’ALLAM | The Omniscient | Ma’ida v 112 | |
13. | AL-BARI’ | The Maker | Hashr v 24 |  |
14. | AL-BASIR | The All-Seeing One | Al-’Imran v 15 |  |
15. | AL-BATIN | The Hidden | Hadid v 3 |  |
16. | AL-BARR | The Source of All Goodness | Tur v 28 |  |
17. | AL-BADI’ | The Originator | Al-Baqarah v 117 |  |
18. | AL-BA’ITH | The Awakener | Hajj v 7 |  |
19. | AL-BAQI | The Everlasting One | Rahman v 27 |  |
20. | AL-FATTAH | The Judge | Al-Saba v 26 |  |
21. | AL-FATIR | The Creator | Shura v 11 | |
22. | AL-GHAFFAR | The Great Forgiver | Nuh v 10 |  |
23. | AL-GHAFUR | The All-Forgiving | Mala’ikah v 28 |  |
24. | AL-GHANI | The Self-Sufficient | Mala’ikah v 15 |  |
25. | AL-GHAFIR | The Forgiver | Mu’min v 3 | |
26. | GHALIB | The Predominant | Yusuf v 21 | |
27. | AL-HALIM | The Clement | Banu Isra’il v 44 |  |
28. | AL-HAFIIZ | The Preserver | Hud v 57 |  |
29. | AL-HASIB | The Reckoner | Nisa v 6 |  |
30. | AL-HAKIM | The Wise | Al-Baqarah v 129 |  |
31. | AL-HAQQ | The Truth | Hajj v 6 |  |
32. | AL-HAMEED | The Praiseworthy | Hajj v 64 |  |
33. | AL-HAYY | The Alive | Al-Imran v 2 |  |
34. | AL-HADI | The Guide | Furqan v 31 |  |
35. | AL-HAAFIZ | The Protector | Yusuf v 64 | |
36. | AL-HAFIYY | The Gracious | Maryam v 47 | |
37. | AL-ILAH | God | Ambiya v 108 | |
38. | AL-JABBAR | The Compeller | Hashr v 23 |  |
39. | AL-JAME’ | The Gatherer | Al-Imran v 9 |  |
40. | AL-JALEEL | The Glorious | Rahman v 78 |  |
41. | AL-KHALIQ | The Creator | Hashr v 24 |  |
42. | AL-KHABIR | The Aware | Al-Saba’ v 1 |  |
43. | AL-KABIR | The Most Great | Al-Saba’ v 23 |  |
44. | AL-KAFIL | The Surety | Nahl v 91 | |
45. | AL-KHALLAQ | The Creator | Hijr v 86 | |
46. | AL-KAFI | The Sufficient One | Zumar v 36 | |
47. | AL-LATIF | The Subtle One | Al-An’am v 104 |  |
48. | AL-MALIK | The Sovereign | Ta Ha v 114 |  |
49. | AL-MU’MIN | The Giver of Peace | Hashr v 23 |  |
50. | AL-MUHAIMIN | The Protector | Hashr v 23 |  |
51. | AL-MUTAKABBIR | The Majestic | Hashr v 23 |  |
52. | AL-MUSAWWIR | The Fashioner | Hashr v 24 | |
53. | AL-MUQIT | The Maintainer,The Protector, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer | Nisa v 85 |  |
54. | AL-MUJIB | The Responsive | Hud v 61 |  |
55. | AL-MAJID | The Most Glorious One | Hud v 73 |  |
56. | AL-MATIN | The Firm One | Zariyat v 58 |  |
57. | AL-MUQTADIR | The Powerful | Qamar v 42 |  |
58. | AL-MUTA’ALI | The Most Exalted | Ra’d v 11 |  |
59. | AL-MUBIN | The Manifest | Nur v 25 | |
60. | AL-MAULA | The Patron | Anfal v 40 | |
61. | AL-MALIIK | The King, The Sovereign | Qamar v 55 | |
62. | AL-MUHIT | All-Pervading | Fussliat v 54 | |
63. | AL-MUSTA’AN | One Who is called upon for help | Ambiya v 112 | |
64. | AL-MANNAN | The Gracious | Al-Imran v 164 | |
65. | AL-MUHYI | The Giver of Life | Rum v 50 |  |
66. | AL-MUMIT | The Giver of Death | A’raf v 28 |  |
67. | AN-NUR | The Light | Nur v 35 |  |
68. | AL-NASIR | The Helper | Nisa v 45 | |
69. | AL-QUDDUS | The Holy | Hashr v 23 |  |
70. | AL-QAHHAR | The Dominant | Ra’d v 16 |  |
71. | AL-QARIB | The Nigh | Hud v 61 | |
72. | AL-QAWI | The Most Strong | Hajj v 74 |  |
73. | AL-QAYYUM | The Self-Subsisting | Al-Imran v 2 |  |
74. | AL-QAADIR | The Able | An’am v 65 |  |
75. | AL-QADIIR | The Mighty | Nahl v 70 | |
76. | AL-QAHIR | The Omnipotent | An’am v 18 | |
77. | AR-RAHMAN | The Compassionate | Al-Baqarah v 163 |  |
78. | AR-RAHIM | The Merciful | Fatiha v 1-2 |  |
79. | AR-RAZZAQ | The Provider | Zariyat v 58 |  |
80. | AR-RAQEEB | The Watchful, The Observer | Nisa v 7 |  |
81. | AR-RA’UF | The Compassionate | Nur v 20 |  |
82. | AR-RABB | The Sustainer | Al-Imran v 51 | |
83. | AR-RAFI’ | The Sublime | Mu’min v 15 |  |
84. | AS-SALAM | The Author of Safety, THe Provider of Peace | Hashr v 23 |  |
85. | AS-SAMI’ | The All-Hearing | Al-Imran v 38 |  |
86. | ASH-SHAKUR | The Appreciative | Mala’ikah v 34 |  |
87. | ASH-SHAHID | The Witness | Nisa v 79 |  |
88. | AS-SAMAD | The Eternal | Ikhlas v 2 |  |
89. | ASH-SHAAKIR | The Appreciative | Al-Baqarah v 158 | |
90. | AT-TAWWAB | The Acceptor of Repentance | Mu’min v 3 |  |
91. | AL-WAHHAB | The Bestower | Al-Imran v 18 |  |
92. | AL-WASI | The All-Embracing | Al-Baqarah v 247 |  |
93. | AL-WADUD | The Loving | Hud v 90 |  |
94. | AL-WAKIL | The Trustee | Nisa v 81 |  |
95. | AL-WALI | The Protecting Friend | Al-Baqarah v 257 |  |
96. | AL-WAAHID | The One | Mu’min v 16 |  |
97. | AL-WAALI | The Governor | Ra’d v 11 |  |
98. | AL-WAARITH | The Inheritor | Hijr v 23 |  |
99. | AZ-ZAHIR | The Manifest | Hadid v 3 |  |
Yahyâ ibn Mu‘âdh (rahimahullâh) said,
“Renew your hearts with the remembrance of Allâh because it rushes into forgetfulness.”