The discovery of the holy Al-Quran verses in Human DNA
Dr. Ahmad Khan is one of the scientists the discovery that good Muslims Gallileo, Newton and Einstein has ever proved about the link between the Koran and the design structure of the human body. He is a graduate summa cum laude from Duke University. Although he was a young scientist who was uphill, only to see his love for God and for genetic research.
His office decorated with calligraphy, paper-paper awards, stacks of dog-eared books and scriptures are often opened, to show that he is a combination of scientists and lovers of scripture. One of the shocking discovery that the world of science was the discovery of information other than polypeptides yangdibangun construction of DNA codons. The first verse that encourages the study was the Surah Fushshilat:
We will show them the signs of (power) We in all regions of the earth and to themselves, so obvious to them that the Koran is true. Do it enough that your Lord is witness of all things? (Fushshilat Surat [41]: 53)
This is also strengthened by the results of the discovery of embryology expert Professor Keith Moore of Canada. His invention was inspired when Khatib Friday prayers at the time to read one paragraph that had something to do with biology. The sound of the verse is as follows: "... Sanuriihim ayatinaafilafaaqi hatta wa fi anfusihim yatabayyana lahum annahu ul-haqq ..." Which means, then will we show our signs in nature and within themselves, until it was obvious to them that this is the truth . Dr initial hypothesis proposed. Ahmad Khan is the word "ayatinaa" which means to "Verses of Allah", described by God that there are signs of His power also in humans.Figure 1. Compiler element DNA
According to Ahmad Khan revelations of Allah, there is also in the DNA (Deoxy Nucleotida Acid) human. Furthermore, he assumes that there is a possibility verses of the Koran is part of the human gene. In the world of biology and genetics of DNA known to many who were present without producing the protein at all. Without the production area is called Junk DNA or junk DNA. In fact the DNA according to Ahmad Khan a far cry from the meaning of garbage. According to the results of his research results, Junk DNA is a string of word-the word of God as creator and as a sign of the greatness of Allah for those who reflect. As disindir by God; Afala tatafakaruun (whether you do not want to engage in meditation or to use a mind?). After working with his brother, who named Imran, an expert in systems analysis, genetic laboratory to get the project from the government. The project was originally intended to examine the gene on human intelligence. With hard work by Ahmad Khan tried to find Arabic letters are possible from the chain cromosome codon in humans. Until that combination produces the Quranic verses.Figure 2. The DNA strand of human
Finally, on January 2, tahun1999 2 o'clock in the morning, he found the first paragraph:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Read the name of your Lord who created (Surat al-alaq [96]: 1).
The verse is the beginning of the first sura of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad, Saw newborns. Strangely after the discovery of the first paragraph is another verse appear one by one quickly. Until now he has managed to find the tenth verse of the Qur'an. In an interview quoted "Ummi" 6/X/99 edition, Ahmad Khan said: "I believe this amazing discovery, and I risked my career for this. I discuss my findings with my two colleagues, Clive, and Martin is a geneticist yangselama cynical about Islam. I wrote to two other scientists who have always been allergic to Islam, and Larhammar from Uppsala University in Sweden and Aris Dreisman from the University of Berlin. Ahmad Khan then assembled his findings in a few sheets of paper that many contain the genetic code codon chain on human cromosome ie, T, C, G, and A respectively Nucleotida code will result in Arabic letters which, if strung together would be the word of God very impressive. At the end of the interview Dr. Ahmad Khan told "I hope publication of my book" Qur'an and Genetics ", increasingly aware of Muslims, that Islam is a complete way of life. We can not separate religion from political science, education or art. I hope non-Muslims realize that there is no point in confronting ilmudengan religion. Similarly, the nursing sciences. The author hopes there will come a generation who studied nursing prinsipilmu principles extracted from the religion of Islam. It can be started from good intentions of the policy holders (decission maker) Moslems, both in educational institutions or at government level. Facilitate and provide support morally and financially.
The opening screen for heart specialists Thailand Pharmacology
Tajaten Tahasen Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiangmai University Thailand, recently declared himself converted to Islam while reading the paper, Professor Keith Moore of the United States. Keith Moore is the Embryology leading experts from Canada, citing a letter-Nisa verses 56 to explain that the burns did not result in enough pain because sensory nerve endings are gone. After returning to Thailand Tajaten explain his findings to the students, the students eventually declare themselves as much as five people to Islam. The sound of the letter of the An-Nisa, among others, as berkut; "Those who reject our Signs, We shall admit them into hell, each time burning their skin, their skin replace us with others so that their skin feel the pain of punishment. Indeed, Allah Almighty, the Wise. "
Figure 3. Layer of human skin
Reviewed the anatomy of our skin layer consists of three layers namely global; epidermis, dermis, and Sub Cutis. In Sub Cutis layer contains the ends of blood vessels and nerves. In the event of Combustio grade III (severe burns that have penetrated the subcutis), one sign of the loss, the pain from the patient. This is due to have non-functioning of the ends of afferent and efferent nerve serabut governing persefsi sensation. That is why God regrow damaged skin when he was torturing servants who reject His servants so that it can feel the pain of the punishment of Allah. Almighty God, who obey His Word and paste the information in part through the greatness of the body cells, chromosomes, blood vessels, nerves, etc. vessels.
Yes ... God, no less anything you create it in vain.
From various sources, including: anakx2.multiply.com/journal/item/121