The word "Islam" is an Arabic word that means "submitting and surrendering your will to Almighty God" . The word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means peace. Unlike the names used for other religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, the name for the religion of Islaam was both revealed by God and carries a deep spritual meaning - only by submitting one's will to Almighty God can one obtain true peace both in this life and in the life hereafter. Islaam teaches that all religions originally had the same essential message - which was to submit whole-heartedly to the will of God and to worship Him and Him alone. For this reason, Islaam is not a new religion but is the same divinely revealed Ultimate Truth that God revealed to all prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
Who are Muslims?
Very often one will here the Arabic word "Allaah" being used in regards to Islaam. The word "Allaah" is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God, and is the same word used by Arabic speaking Christians and Jews. If one were to pick up an Arabic translation of the Bible, one would see the word "Allaah" being use where the word "God" is used in English. Actually, the Arabic word for Almighty God, "Allaah", is quite similar to the word for God in other Semitic languages - for example, the Hebrew word for God is "Elah". For various reasons, some non-Muslims mistakenly believe that Muslims worship a different God than the God of Moses and Abraham and Jesus. This is certainly not the case, since the Pure Monotheism of Islaam calls all people to the worship of the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all of the other prophets.
Allaah is not like the sun. Anyone can see the sun. Moreover, Allaah is the Most Beautiful. Nothing is as beautiful as Allaah. Actually looking at Allaah is the greatest pleasure of the people of Paradise. This pleasure is not granted by Allaah to anyone but the believers. So no one will see Allaah before he dies.
Does Allaah see us?
Allaah sees us and knows everything about us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. There is not a leaf on a tree that blows away, or stays in its place except that He knows it. There is not a dry spot or wet spot, nor a grain in the depths of the earth except that Allaah knows it.
Where is Allaah?
Allaah is the Highest. He is High above all of His creation. He ascended above His Throne, which is immeasurably greater than the Heavens and the Earth. So much greater, that the Heavens and the Earth could fit in the footstool of the Throne, and they would be like a ring thrown into an open desert. Allaah is certainly the Greatest.
Does Allaah look like us?
No. Allaah is Perfect. He is not like any of His creation. A Muslim does not say a single thing about Allaah, other than what Allaah says about Himself. Allaah is Perfect and Unique.
Is Allah the same as what Christians call the father?
What does it mean to believe in Allaah?
It means:
To believe in Allaah’s total Perfection and Uniqueness.
To believe in the Angels. We must love them all in the same way, we cannot hate an Angel; for example, it is forbidden to hate Michael who is given the charge of Rain and the vegetation of the Earth or Gabriel, who is entrusted with Revelation (i.e. he brings down the Scriptures to the prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention).
To believe in Allaah's books revealed to His Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, taking into consideration that all of these books have either disappeared or changed, except the last divine book, the Quran.
To believe in His Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, because they are His Messengers and He sent them. We cannot pick and choose, a Muslim must believe in all the Prophets of Allaah, may Allaah exalt their mention.
To believe in the Last Day: The Day of Judgment.
To believe in Allaah's predestination of good and bad (we might consider something bad from our perspective), but to Allaah everything He does is good).
The last and final prophet that God sent to humanity was the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad explained, interpreted and lived the teachings of Islaam. The Prophet Muhammad is the greatest of all prophets for many reasons, but mainly because the results of his mission have brought more people into the pure belief in One God than any other prophet. Even though other religious communities claimed to believe in One God, over time they had corrupted their beliefs by taking their prophets and saints as intercessors with Almighty God. Some religions believe their prophets to be manifestations of God, "God Incarnate" or the "Son of God". All of these false ideas lead to the creature being worshipped instead of the Creator, which contributed to the idolatrous practice of believing that Almighty God can be approached through intermediaries. In order to guard against these falsehoods, the Prophet Muhammad always emphasised that he was only a human-being tasked with the preaching of God's message. He taught Muslims to refer to him as "the Messenger of God and His Slave". To Muslims, Muhammad is the supreme example for all people - he was the exemplary prophet, statesman, military leader, ruler, teacher, neighbour, husband, father and friend. Unlike other prophets and messengers, the Prophet Muhammad lived in the full light of history. Muslims don't need to have "faith" that he existed and that his teachings are preserved - they know it to be a fact. Even when his followers only numbered a few dozen, Almighty God informed Muhammad that he had be sent as a mercy to all of mankind. Because people had distorted or forgotten God's messages, God took it upon Himself to protect the message revealed to Muhammad. This was because Almighty God promised not to send another messenger after him. Since all of God's messengers have preached the message of Islaam - i.e. submission to the will of God and the worship of God alone - Muhammad is actually the last prophet of Islaam, not the first.
No. Muslims do not worship Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or any other prophet(s), may Allaah exalt their mention. Muslims believe in all prophets including Aadam (Adam), Nooh (Noah), Ibraaheem (Abraham), Daawood (David), Sulaymaan (Solomon), Moosaa (Moses) and 'Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt their mention. Muslims believe that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was the last of the prophets. They believe that God Alone is to be worshipped, not human beings or idols etc.
Muslims think highly of Jesus and his worthy mother, Mary. The Qur’an tells us that Jesus was born of a miraculous birth without a father. He was given many miracles as a prophet. These include speaking soon after his birth in defense of his mother's piety. God's other gifts to him included healing the blind and the sick, reviving the dead, making a live bird out of clay and, most importantly, the Divine message he was carrying. These miracles were given to him by God to establish him as a prophet. According to the Quran, he was not crucified but was raised into Heaven (which means):
“And [for] their saying: “Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain Rather, Allaah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allaah Exalted in Might and Wise. ” [Quran 4: 157-158]
Is there a Trinity in Islam?
No. Allaah is Perfect. The Quran Says (what means): “Allaah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of (all) existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth…”[Quran 2:255] Can Jesus, or Mohammed peace be upon them be worshipped?
No, Allah does not accept that a cow, a person, an angel, a prophet, a stone, or anything be worshipped in place of him, or even along with Him. Worship must be to Allah the creator of them.
Did Allah create Evil?
Yes, Allah created the good, and the bad. Whatever bad happens to us is due to our sins. We sin and Allah pardons much of what we do; however, when something bad happens to us it is our fault, and we are to blame. Bad things that happen to a person are a chance for that person to reflect, and ask: ”Why is this happening to me?” A chance for a person to return from his sin, and obey, and worship Allah.
The foundation of the Islaamic faith is belief in the Unity of God. This means to believe that there is only one Creator and Sustainer of everything in the Universe, and that nothing is divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Him. Truly believing in the Unity of God means much more than simply believing that there is "One God" - as opposed to two, three or four. There are a number of religions that claim belief in "One God" and believe that ultimately there is only one Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Islaam, however, not only insists on this, but also rejects using such words as "Lord" and "Saviour" for anyone besides Almighty God. Islaam also rejects the use of all intermediaries between God and Man, and insists that people approach God directly and reserve all worship for Him alone. Muslims believe that Almighty God is Compassionate, Loving and Merciful.
The essence of falsehood is the claim that God cannot deal with and forgive His creatures directly. By over-emphasising the burden of sin, as well as claiming that God cannot forgive you directly, false religions seek to get people to despair of the Mercy of God. Once they are convinced that they cannot approach God directly, people can be mislead into turning to false gods for help. These "false gods" can take various forms, such as saints, angels, or someone who is believed to be the "Son of God" or "God Incarnate". In almost all cases, people who worship, pray to or seek help from a false god don't consider it to be, or call it, a "god". They claim belief in One Supreme God, but claim that they pray to and worship others beside God only to get closer to Him. In Islaam, there is a clear distinction between the Creator and the created. There is no ambiguity in divinity - anything that is created is not deserving of worship and only the Creator is worthy of being worshipped. Some religions falsely believe that God has become part of His creation, and this has led people to believe that they can worship something created in order to reach their Creator.Muslims believe that even though God is Unique and beyond comprehension - He has no "Son", partners or associates. According to Muslim belief, Almighty God "does not beget nor was He begotten" - neither literally, allegorically, metaphorically, physically or metaphysically - He is Absolutely Unique and Eternal. He is in control of everything and is perfectly capable of bestowing His infinite Mercy and Forgiveness to whomever He chooses. That is why is called the All-Powerful and Most-Merciful. Almighty God has created the Universe for man, and as such wants the best for all human beings. Muslims see everything in the Universe as a sign of the Creatorship and Benevolence of Almighty God. Also, the belief in the Unity of God is not merely a metaphysical concept. It is a dynamic belief that effects ones view of humanity, society and all aspects of life. As a logical corollary to the Islaamic belief in the Oneness of God, is its belief in the oneness of mankind and humanity.
It is the final revelation of the will of Almighty God's to all of mankind, which was conveyed through the Angel Gabriel, in Arabic, to the Prophet Muhammad in its sounds, words and meanings. The Qur'aan, sometimes spelled Koran, was relayed to the Prophet's companions, which they memorised verbatim, and which has been publicly and continually recited by them and their successors until the present day. In short, the Qur'aan is the book of guidance from God par excellence. The Qur'aan is still memorised and taught by millions of people. The language of the Qur'aan, Arabic, is still a living language to millions of people, so unlike the scriptures of other religions, the Qur'aan is still read in its original language by countless millions of people. The Qu'ran is a living miracle in the Arabic language; and is know to be inimitable in its style, form and spiritual impact. God's final revelation to mankind, the Qur'aan, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. The Qur'aan, in contrast to many other religious books, was always thought to be the Word of God by those who believed in it, i.e. it wasn't something decreed by a religious council many years after being written. Also, the Qu'ran was recited publicly in front of both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities during the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The entire Qur'aan was also completely written down in lifetime of the Prophet, and numerous companions of the Prophet memorised the entire Qur'aan word-for-word as it was revealed. So unlike other scriptures, the Qur'aan was always in the hands of the common believers, it was always thought to be God's word and, due to wide-spread memorisation, it was perfectly preserved. In regards to the teachings of the Qur'aan - it is a universal scripture, and it is addressed to all of mankind, and not to a particular tribe or "chosen people". The message that it brings is nothing new, but the same message of all of the prophets - submit to Almighty God and worship Him alone. As such, God's revelation in the Qur'aan focuses on teaching human beings the importance of believing in the Unity of God and framing their lives around the guidance which He has sent. Additionally, the Qur'aan contains the stories of the previous prophets, such as Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus; as well as many commands and prohibitions from God. In modern times in which so many people are caught up in doubt, spiritual despair and "political correctness", the Qur'aanic teachings offer solutions to the emptiness of our lives and the turmoil that is gripping the world today.
How Do Muslims View the Nature of Man, the Purpose of Life and the Life Hereafter?
Do Non-Muslims go to Heaven?
Allaah only accepts Islam because it is Allaah's true religion given to all His Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention. He Says in the Quran (what means): "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted of him, and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter".
[Quran 3:85]
What about someone who has never heard of Islam?
Allaah is the Most Just, there is no one more Merciful than Allaah. Allaah said in the Quran (what means): “Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger." [Quran 17: 15]
Thus, if a person had never heard about Islam and was never warned clearly, Allaah would have a special test in the Hereafter for that person, equal to the chance that person would have had on earth.
Any thing but don't ask Him to do things like make you a prophet. Cause He has already said that there will be no more prophets.
You can ask Allah for guidance. Meaning you can ask Him to show you the correct religion.
Who are my best friends?
Your best friends are the ones that care where you go after you are dead. This is like the prophets. They cared that we go to heaven, even if it meant some hardship on earth.
Who is my worst enemy?
That would be the devils, whether they are human devils (evil people), or Jinn devils (like Iblis) The Arabic word for a devil is Shaytan (similar to Satan). Satan wants us all to go to hell. He wants us to be bad on earth, even if we get rich, or do lots of wrong things that we appear to enjoy, he does not mind that. But he wants to make sure we don't go to heaven.
How do we know Islam is the truth?
Holds Allaah as One, Unique and Perfect.
Only Allaah is considered worthy of worship, not ‘Eesaa (Jesus) nor an idol, or an angel.
The Quran does not contain contradictions.
The Quran contains scientific facts, which are 1400 years ahead of their time. Even though it was revealed 1400 years ago, the Quran contains scientific facts which are only being discovered now. Scientific facts coincide with the Quran perfectly, and are not at variance with it.
Allaah challenges the world to produce the like of the Quran, while confirming that they will never be able to do so.
Prophet Muhammad , was considered the most influential man in History. A non-Muslim wrote a book called “The 100” about the most influential men in history, and Prophet Muhammad , was ranked first. Prophet ‘Eesaa (Jesus) was placed third. Note that even Prophet ‘Eesaa (Jesus) was a prophet sent by Allaah. Would Allaah allow a false prophet to be so successful? No. Even the Bible says this in Deuteronomy 18:19: “A false prophet must die.” Yet, Prophet Muhammad , did not die until he had completely conveyed his Message and taught Allaah's religion.
Prophet Muhammad , had predicted many future events, and all of his prophecies have come true or are still coming true.
Most importantly: Allaah created humankind and we know that we should only worship Him. This is an instinct that is ingrained in all human beings. Allaah did not just leave us to our own resources, rather He sent Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, in all ages and for all nations.. These Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, were granted miracles as proof. The miracle for today’s age is the Quran. In this age there is no religion, except Islam, that worships only Allaah and believes in Him as being totally Perfect, and believes in all of His Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, and all the Scriptures.
Can anyone become a Muslim? Yes, anyone can. There are two declarations, which are necessary:
To bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allaah.
To bear witness that Prophet Muhammad , is the Messenger of Allaah.
This is the declaration of faith which makes a person Muslim, however, this should be said in Arabic.
After this, what’s next? After a person becomes a Muslim he/she is taught about Prayers, Fasting, the Poor due, Pilgrimage. These are the pillars of Islam. Then what? Muslims are brothers. A Muslim should love for his brother what he loves for himself. Allaah's wealth does not run out and Allaah can provide for us all. We pray for each other and love each other, and love for our brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves.