Many men & women insist upon knowing everything about their husband's or wife's past. If a man or a woman was not always a practicing Muslim, then he or she might ask him/her about women/men he/she previously liked- for example, how do they look? they will then insist to their spouses that whatever he/she says will not have any affect on him/her whatsoever!! When a man/woman answers questions about their past, he/she makes a huge mistake, one that he/she will pay a dear price for any acknowledgement of a past relationship will cause his/her married life to be poisoned by JEALOUSY.
Noble brothers/sisters in Islam, beware of investigating into your husband's/wife's past. Instead of asking about your spouse past, contemplate the saying of Allah:
"O you who believe! ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble" (5:101).
And the Prophet (SAW) said: "It is from the goodness of one's Islam that he leaves alone that which does not concern him"
Instead of living in your spouse's past and investigating its particulars, enjoy the present life that you are sharing with your husband or wife.
interesting... jazakALLAH
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