A Remarkable Story!
by Anonymous
The undermentioned incident is narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak
(RA). He was a man of great learning and he lived in the era of the
Abbasids. This incident reflects the love and attachment with the Noble
Quran. It also Manifestates the comprehensiveness of the Noble Quran.
An elderly Arab lady was sitting at the trunk of a tree, on the way to
Haj. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) happened to pass that way. He was
also heading for Baitullah, for Hajj, and to the Sacred tomb of the Holy
Prophet (Sallallaahu ?layhi Wasallam). Seeing this lady very disturbed
and in a state of despair, (distressed) he spoke to her. The discussion
is recorded as follows:Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah
The lady: "The word from a merciful Lord is Peace" (Surah 36 Aayat 58).
She meant that the reply of salaam is from Allah, Most High, Himself.
She said further: "Those whom Allah sendeth astray, there is no guide
for them." (Surah 7 Aayat 186). She meant that she has lost her way.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Where are you coming from?
The lady: "Glorified be He who carried His servant by night from the
Musjid-e-Aqsa (invioble place of worship) to the Musjid-e-Haraam" (Far
distant place of worship) (Surah17 Aayat1). She meant that she had come
from Musjid-e-Aqsa.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): How long are you in this place?
The lady: "For three nights" (Surah 19 Aayat10).
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): What arrangements are made for your
The lady: "And who (Allah) feedeth me and watereth me" (Surah 26 Aayat
79). She meant that somehow or the other, her food is provided to her by
Allah.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Is there any water for Wudhu?
The lady: "And ye find not water, then go to high clean soil and (make
tayammum) rub your faces and hands." (therewith) (Surah 4 Aayat 43). She
meant that she makes tayammum, due to not finding water.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Here is some food. Partake of it.
The lady: "Strictly observe the fast till nightfall" (Surah 2 Aayat
187). She indicated that she is fasting.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): This is not the month of Ramadaan.
The lady: "And he who does good of his own accord (for him) lo! Allah is
responsive, aware". (Surah 2 Aayat158) meaning that I have observed an
optional (nafl) fast.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): It is permitted to break the fast
when in a journey.
The lady: "And that ye fast is better for you, if you did but know."
(Surah 2 Aayat 184)Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Speak like how I speak.
The lady: "He (man) uttereth no word but there is with him an observer
ready" (Surah 50 Aayat 18). She meant that since every word of a person
is observed and recorded, she is taking precaution by speaking only in
the words of the Holy Quran.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Which clan do you belong to?
The lady: "Follow not that whereof thou hast no knowledge, lo! The
hearing and the sight and heart of each of these it will be asked"
(Surah 17 Aayat36). She meant those things that you have no knowledge
of, nor do they concern you, you are wasting your strength (senses) by
enquiring about them.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Forgive me. I have certainly made a
The lady: "Have no fear this day. May Allah forgive you" (Surah 12 Aayat
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Would you like to travel on my camel
and meet your caravan?
The lady: "And whatsoever good ye do Allah knoweth it" (Surah 2 Aayat
197). Meaning that if you will do this good deeds towards me, Allah will
recompense you for it.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Well, then you may mount it.
Saying this he made the camel to sit down.
The lady: "Tell the believing men (when confronted by women) to lower
their gaze". (Surah 24 Aayat 30). Hadhrat Abdullah understood and
(turned) looked away. While she was mounting, the camel jerked and her
clothes got estrangled in the saddle (dorsers) and she proclaimed:
"whatever of misfortune striketh you, it is what your hands have
earned." (Surah 42 Aayat 30). In other words she was drawing Hadhrat
Abdullah bin Mubarak's (RA) attention towards this mishap.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) understood and he tied the legs of the
camel and he straightened the straps of the saddle (or dorser). She
applauded him for his proficiency and capability by saying "And we made
Sulaiman to understand" (Surah 21 Aayat 79). When the journey was about
to begin, the lady recited the Aayats which are read when undertaking a
journey "Glorified be he who hath subdued these unto us, and we were not
capable (of subduing them). And lo, unto our Lord we are returning."
(Surah 43 Aayat 13).
Hadhrat Abdullh bin Mubarak (RA) held the bridle (or nose string) of the
camel. He began to hum the (Huddi) famous Arabic song for travelling,
and he started walking very fast.
The lady: "Be modest in thy bearing and subdue thy voice" (Surah 31
Aayat 19). Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) understood. He began
walking slower and he lowered his voice.
The lady: "Recite of the Quran that which is easy for you." She meant
that instead of humming the Huddi, he should rather recite the Holy
Quran.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) began reciting the Holy Quran.
The lady became very pleased and said "but none remember (accept advice)
except men of understanding" (Surah 2 Aayat 269).
After reciting the Holy Quran for a while, Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak
(RA) asked (the lady if she had a husband) (if he was alive) "O Aunt,
have have you a husband? (meaning is he living)
The lady: "O you who believe, ask not of things which if they were made
known unto you, would trouble you" (Surah 5 Aayat 101). She meant that
no questions should be asked regarding this matter which indicated that
her husband has most probably passed away. Finally they (caught up) met
the caravan.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Do you have any son or relative
(friend) in this caravan who has connection (contact) with you?
The lady: "Wealth and children are an ornament of life of the world"
(Surah 18 Aayat 46). She meant that her sons were with this caravan and
he has provisions with him.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): What work are your sons doing for the
caravan? (Hadhrat Abdullah's object for asking was to make it easy for
him to recognise her son).
The lady: "And landmarks, and by the star they find a way" (Surah 16
Aayat 16). She meant that he is a guide for the caravan.Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Can you tell me their name?
The lady: "Allah chose Ibrahim as (for) a friend" (Surah 4 Aayat 125).
And Allah spoke directly unto Moosa" (Surah 19 Aayat 12). By reciting
these Aayats the lady informed him that her sons names were Yahya,
Ibrahim and Moosa.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) called out these names in the caravan
and immediately three young people came forward.
The lady: (addressing her children) "Now send one of you with this your
silver coin unto the city. And let him see what food is purest there and
bring you a supply thereof" (Sura 18 Aayat 19) In other words she
instructed them to feed Hadhrat Abdullah (RA).
When the food was brought, she told Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA):
"Eat and drink at ease for that which ye sent on before you in the past
days." (Surah 69 Aayat 24), and with this Aayat she recited another
Aayat, the object of which was to convey (show) her gratefulness to him
for his good conduct and courtesy. The Aayat was: "Is the reward of
goodness aught save goodness?" (Surah 55 Aayat 60).
Their conversation terminated on this Aayat. The lady's son informed
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) that his mother has been speaking in
this manner, i.e. using only the Aayats of the Holy Quran in her speech,
for the last forty years.
gazak Allah khiran :)
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