Arguing and teasing are factors that will corrupt the tongue. Islam has ordered us not to argue since it is blameworthy. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Do not argue with, tease, or break the promise you have made to your brethren."
Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said: "You cannot attain full faith unless you quit verbal arguments even if you are right." Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said: "Whoever knows he is right but quits arguing shall be given a residence in a high heavenly place. Whoever knows that he is wrong and quits arguing shall be given a residence in a low heavenly place." 5 Simple Tricks to Help You Win Any Argument We all get into arguments from time to time. But how do you deal with those people who consistently want to fight and act like they are always right? Contradicting them just feeds their desire for conflict and will frustrate and cause strife. Here are five alternative methods for dealing with this type of difficult person. 1. Smile: Deflect the anger. Ask questions designed to get the other person to think about why he or she is upset. It's very difficult to argue with someone who is smiling and conversing without resistance. 2. Let them think your point of view is their own: To do this requires some subtlety but is very powerful against extremely stubborn people who will never admit they are wrong. The trick is to ask questions designed to manipulate the person into arriving at your conclusion "on their own." 3. Admit your mistakes: If you did something wrong or made a mistake, just be humble and admit it. This sound like you're conceding defeat, but actually this wins immediately since it takes the combative person completely off guard. One of two things usually happens next: either the other person will feel bad for even bringing up the issue and will suddenly be very helpful, or they won't know how to respond immediately which gives you the opportunity to say something leading the conversation into a more productive direction. 4. Shut up: This is an especially strong technique when you know you're right and you suspect the other person knows it but isn't ready to admit it. Let the person fumble and squirm around while you just listen. "One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say." ~ Will Durant 5. Do Not Attack: Whatever you do, do not attack the other person. Sure, you might know the exact thing to say to hit 'em where it hurts. You might be cold and calculating with your logic and reduce the argument (and the person's self-esteem) to dust. Or you could follow the techniques above and come away from the argument with an ally instead of a foe. Your choice. 05 - Verbal Abuse Verbal abuse or expression of animosity to get one's right or property is another factor that corrupts the tongue. Abu Hurairah quoted on the authority of Prophet Muhammad (saw): "Whoever expresses animosity without true knowledge shall remain subject to Allah's wrath until he dies." Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said: "There are rooms in Heaven which are transparent. Allah (SWT) has prepared them for those who feed the hungry ones, use nice words in their speech and avoid bad talk and verbal abuse." Thus, Prophet Muhammad (saw) instructs all Muslims to be polite in speech, and not to use bad or obscene language. Muslims are instructed to attract other people's love and friendship by using good words. 06 - Excessive Eloquence The Blessed Fatima Zahra (sa) quoted on the authority of her noble father, Prophet Muhammad (saw): "The most wicked people in my nation are those who are feeding off divine blessings by eating various dishes and wearing colorful clothing, but speak using an excessively eloquent language." We can realize that we should not overburden ourselves by using excessively eloquent language when talking with others. Rather we should try to use nice words and expressions to express important topics. 07 - Swearing Swearing is considered bad in Islam. It is one of the factors that corrupt the tongue. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Avoid swearing since Allah (SWT) does not like swearing and those who are used to swearing." In another tradition we read that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Heaven is forbidden to whoever is used to swearing. He cannot enter it." Swearing is one of the very bad characteristics. Whoever gets used to swearing should try to treat himself. Swearing is defined to be the expression of vulgar things. One who swears is trying to hurt the other person, and hurting others is certainly forbidden. It may be the result of associating with bad people who use obscene language. This has also been declared to be bad in Islam. An Arab went to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and said: "Please give me some advice." Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "I advise you to fear Allah (SWT). If someone blames you for what is in you, do not blame him for what you know that may lie in him. Thus, he will suffer from the ill consequences of his deeds and you will prosper from your good deeds. Also never swear at any of Allah's creatures." The man took the Prophet's advice and never swore at anyone. We learn from this tradition that we should never use our knowledge of other people's weaknesses to harm their honor. Ayaz ibn Samar told Prophet Muhammad (saw): "O' Prophet of Allah (SWT)! A relative of mine who is lower than me in rank swears at me. Should I swear at him in defense?" Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Whenever two people swear at each other they are like two Satan's that are helping each other." |
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