In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. May complete Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be upon the Last Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) forever forever. InshaAllah, the amal and instructions described below can be used to cure and treat all kinds and varieties of sihir and jinns.
Items Required: After the below amal is done take a deep breath each time and with full force and power, blow 3x into each of the below items, to transform the blessing of Ruqyah into these items:
- Large can filled with drinking water: Water should be sufficient for drinking, washing and spraying (in the house) for about 21 to 40 days.
- Big Bottle of Vinegar (kitchen or cedar vinegar), for the purpose massaging the body and adding to bathing water. If a handful of rock or crystalline salt is mixed to the recited vinegar, it will Inshallah, increase its healing affects.
- Big Bottle of Olive or BlackSeed oil this is optional and could be used for the purpose of massaging the body.
- Any Non alcoholic perfume (attar)preferably of Jannatul Firdose, this is optional and could be used for the purpose of deeply inhaling/smelling, lightly applying it on the body and clothes, few drops could also be added into recited water for spraying in/around the house or washing/bathing and also while massaging the body.
- Jar full of whole Black Pepper seeds, this is optional and could be used for the purpose of deeply inhaling/smelling and chewing about 7 seeds daily. Aoid this if the victim is a child or pregnant lady.
- Jar full Crystalline or Rock Salt, this is optional and could be used for adding into recited water for spraying the house and can be mixed with black peppers and placed in the corners of the house to expel and hurt the evil jinns.
- Raw Ginger, this is again optional, when dealing with strong Jinn, some ginger juice could be added/mixed to the recited olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 and can be used for inhaling or the mixture could be dropped into the nostrils and can be used for massaging the entire body at night. Also the paste of recited ginger can be rubbed on places of body
Instructions of using the recited items: The recited items could be used by the victim even after the amal is complete [after 11x days] till the patient is cured completely, its preferable to use recited water for bathing after the 7th day amal, except bathing all other items could be used after the 1st day amal.
- Drinking of recited water: The victim should be given at-least one glass of recited water every morning and evening. The victim should drink the recited water daily till he recovers completely. While drinking the water, the victim should recite ‘BISMILLAAHI Ya Shafi[In the name of Allah, O Giver of Cure]’. For stronger effects, add juice extracted out of ½ lime or equivalent recited vinegar, to one glass of recited water and drink it, but remember lime juice or vinegar may be to strong on the empty stomach, so it’s preferable to drink this mixture after a meal.
- Drinking of olive oil: In the Quran, Allah himself says “I swear by the fig and the olive” [95:1] this in itself is sufficient to proof the importance of Olive. Furthermore the following hadith shows the benefits of Olive oil- Hazrath Abu Hurairah[RA] narrates that the Prophet[SA] stated, “Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.”[Abu Naim]. The victims should therefore take one sip of recited olive oil twice daily and a massage some of the recited oil over his body.
- Bathing/ Washing: For every spiritual bath in the evenings, boil about 7 to 11 crushed Christ’s-thorn/lotus tree/ Zizyphus spina Christi/Indian jujube/Indian Beri [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziziphus_mauritiana] or beetal leaves or neem leaves[with all the extracted Juice along with the crushed leaves] in one glass of water for 10 minutes. Later, take this boiled mixture and add 1 or 2 glass of recited water and squeeze 3 whole lime or equivalent vinegar into this mixture and later add this mixture to some additional tap water[approx 1 liters] sufficient enough for the person to make wadhu/ghusul or rinse his body completely with it from head to toe, into this also add few drops of recited attar/ perfume. Before entering the washroom, the victim should recite the ‘dua of entering washroom’ and then make an dua in the heart ‘’ YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM Please cure and purify me from all evil influences of men and jinn that trouble and harm him. Ameen-3x”. After bathing and soaping normally, at the end, the victim should make wadhu / ghusul and rinse his complete body from head to toe with this recited mixture in a big bowl or vessel or bucket so that the dirty water can be collected and later thrown on some ground or garden or in pots rather than in drain or bathroom. Remember, this mixture should be nicely rubbed on the victims head, forehead, shoulders, neck, chest, back, stomach and other places of pain and heaviness while bathing [avoid rubbing mixture on eyes as lime /vinegar may cause some burning]. This procedure should be repeated for about 7 to 12 days, every evening. Note: If the victim cannot take bath, try a sponge bath i.e drench a clean towel in a mixture of recited water, lime, baierie leaves and normal water, and wipe it all over the body from head to toe.
- Spraying: Mix few spoon full of crystalline salt and few drops of recited attar/perfume into some recited water, it could be filled into any spray bottle or glass/cup and this mixture should be sprayed on every wall, corners of the walls, the ceiling of the house, on beds, curtains, furniture, at the entrance and outer boundaries of the house at-least once every day preferably in the evenings, except inside the bathrooms or washroom or toilets. While spraying in the house, spray more specifically in the scary places within the house or places where one gets goosebumps or places where one gets a feeling of fear or places where one has seen strange shadows or creatures. This should be repeated daily till the patient recovers completely.
- Massaging: Mix few spoon full of crystalline salt and few drops of recited attar/perfume into the recited vinegar or use the recited oil directly and massage the entire body before going to bed daily. Make sure you massage the recited vinegar/oil all over your body especially over the forehead, neck, arms, chest, shoulders, back, legs and all places of pain and heaviness. This should be repeated daily till the patient recovers completely. For strong cases when Jinn is aggressive few drops of raw ginger juice can be added to the recited oil and dropped into the nostrils of the patient or this mixture can be used for massaging the body. A mixture of recited olive oil, recited vinegar, rock/crystalline salt and few traces of ginger juice will inshaallah be very effective for massaging against the jinns.
- Inhaling and chewing: Any time during the day or night the victim should deeply inhale the recited attar/perfume and apply some on his body and clothes, and also any time during the day or night, the victim should deeply inhale about 7 recited black pepper seeds and chew/eat them.
- Securing: For case when influence of evil jinns and sihir is too strong apart from playing Azaan and Surah Buqrah, after completing the amal of 11 days, mix recited black pepper seeds and recited crystalline salt in the ratio 10 : 5, and starting from the right corner of the house and facing Qiblah throw a handful of this mixture in each of the four corners of the house and bed room or places where the influence of Jinn is high. When throwing/ placing this mixture, it’s preferable to face qibla and give out azaan or iqamah in every corner and then place the recited mixture. This mixture should be thrown towards the ceiling and finally let it to settle down on the floor and after it settles down it could be moved towards the corner. After a few days this mixture can be collected and thrown in the garden or flower pot or terrace or parks..etc and if necessary can be replaced by new recited mixture, this could be done till things get normal.
Intention and Dua: Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation or symptoms as below while doing the amal..
- For Jinns(Demonic Possessions):BISMILLAAHI YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. O Allah By Your Power and Might, Plz drive out the evil Jinns away from me/Mr XXX, plz drive them out, drive them out, drive them out permanently, And O Allah completely stop them from troubling and harming me, stop them, stop them, stop them completely. O Allah By Your Power and Might, Plz destroy and neutralize all the evil influences of Jinn and Men on me/MR XXX and cure me/Mr XXX completely from all Sickness. O Allah By Your Power and Might, plz protect me/MR XXX with the strongest protection from Jinns and all evil of your creation and set forth a powerful barrier between us that cannot be transgressed. YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU !!
- For Sihir(Black Magic): BISMILLAAHI YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. O Allah By Your Power and Might, Plz destroy and neutralize all the sihir, its items, its barriers, its knots and its affects on me/MR XXX, O Allah, please destroy the sihir, destroy it, destroy it,destroy it completely and render it useless and O Allah, Please Cure me/MR XXX completely from all Sickness, and all evil influences of sihir, jinn and men and restore my/his health to normal and O Allah By Your Power and Might, plz protect me/MR XXX with the strongest protection from all evil of your creation and setforth a powerful barrier between us that cannot be transgressed. YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU !!
- For Un-Know Cases (when one is not sure whether the victim is under the influence of magic, demons, evil eye or general sickness): BISMILLAAHI YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. O Allah, its You alone do we worship and You alone do we call for help. O Allah, O The All knowing, O The All Wise, If I’am/MR XXX is under the influence of sihir/blackmagic, by Your Power and Might, Plz destroy and neutralize all the sihir, its items, its barriers, its knots and its affects on me/MR XXX, O Allah, please destroy the sihir, destroy it, destroy it, destroy it completely and render it useless. O Allah, O The All knowing, O The All Wise, If I’am /MR XXX is under the effect or influence of evil Jinn or group of Jinns, by Your Power and Might, Plz drive out the evil Jinns away from me/Mr XXX, plz drive them out, drive them out, drive them out permanently, And O Allah completely stop them from troubling and harming me/Mr XXX, stop them, stop them, stop them completely. O Allah, O The All knowing, O The All Wise, If I’am/MR XXX is under the influence of evil eye , by Your power and might Plz destroy and neutralize all the affects of the evil eye and all evil influences of Jinn and Men on me/MR XXX and cure me/Mr XXX completely from all pain, suffering and sickness and give me/Mr XXX good health and strength at the earliest. O Allah By Your Power and Might, plz protect me/MR XXX with the strongest protection from all pains and sickness, from evil Jinns and all evil of your creation and set forth a powerful barrier between us that cannot be transgressed. YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU !!
If the victim is to weak to finish the amal, the amal should be done by any pious person, pious relative or friend..etc.For strong effets the amal should be done after salaatul witr(if its not possible to do the amal after midnight or during salaatul Tahajjud) and before the amal, for the amal to be powerful the person reciting the amal should spend day and night reciting-‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam, abundantly as much as possible or do the amal during the time of Tahajjud [time after midnight and before dawn] after offering 2 units of salaatul taubah and salaatul Tahajjud.
Initially during the treatment, in the first few days the things might get worse due to the evil jinns reacting to the Quranic verses and the amal, however, Inshaallah after a few days of doing the amal and using the recited items, things will get normal soon.
Amal done during the time of Tahajud[after midnight and before time of Fajar] is considerd to be “the Best and Most poweful” as per the following hadith in which Hazrat Anas[RA] reported that Prophet[SAW] said : “Prayer in my mosque is equal to ten thousand prayers elsewhere. And prayer in the Sacred Mosque is equivalent to one hundred thousand prayers elsewhere. And prayer in the battlefield is equivalent to one million prayers elsewhere. And what is more than all of that is two rak`ahs performed by a servant of Allah during the middle of the night.“[Ibn Hibban]
AMAL 1: Using Surah Yaseen and Manzil
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite Surah Yaseen -3x [Only the first verse i.e YAASEEEEENN should be recited 21x times, and all other verses should be read normally without any repetitions]
9. Recite Manzil Complete – 3x
10. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
11. Make Dua as above – 3x
13.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
14. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
AMAL 2: Using Allah’s name “Ya Mumeetu”
This amal should be done once every morning after salaatul Fajar and once after salaatul Isha for 11days without any gaps..
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite Allah’s name – Ya Mumeetu [The destroyer] – 501x
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x days continuously without any gaps or breaks. This amal should be done once in the morning and once in the evening.
AMAL 3: Using simple and easy verses of Quran
This amal is very simple, easy, yet uses about 12 powerful/jalali verses of the Quran, and InshaAllah this amal can not only be used to treat all kinds of sihir/posessions ranging from low grade to very high grade cases, but will also protect the victim and will disgrace the paymaster, the sahir and the enemies of the victim.
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. These verses should be read in Arabic as usual..
- “Surely it is from Sulaiman, and surely it is in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”-[Quran Surah AL-NAML 27:30] – 21x
- “He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things. ”[Quran Surah AL-HADID 57:03 ] -21x
- “And your Allah is one Allah! there is no god but He; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.” [Quran Surah AL-BAQARA 2: 163] -21x
- “His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, And He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).[Quran Surah AL-BAQARA 2:255] -21x
- “Say: The truth has come, and the falsehood shall vanish and shall not come back.” [Quran Surah SABA 34:49] -21x
- “So the roots of the people who were unjust were cut off; and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” [Quran Surah AL-ANAAM 6:45] -21x
- “No doubt! The curse of Allah is on the oppressors.” [Quran Surah HUD 11:18] -21x
- “And they desired a war on him, but We made them the greatest losers.” [Quran AL-ANBIYA 021:070] -21x
- “And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in this life), and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about”.[Quran Surah AL-FURQAN 25: 23] -21x
- “And Allah by His words does prove and establish His truth, however much the sinners may hate it!”[Quran Surah YUNUS 10:82] -21x
- “And I seek refuge with Thee O my Lord! lest they should come near me.”[Quran Surah AL-MUMENOON 23:98] -21x
- “But if they turn away, Say: “Allah sufficeth for me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!”[Quran Surah AL-TAWBA 9:129 ] -21x
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
Note :For High grade cases, try to increase the counts of quranic verses from 21x to 33x or 41x or 55x.
AMAL 4: Using Manzil
Using Manzil: Manzil is a booklet that was compiled by Shakul Hadith Muhammad Zakariya al-Kandahlawi[AR] that comprises of various verses of the Glorious Quran confirmed to be extremely effective for protection, immunity, cure and warding off the evil influences of Jinn, Sihr (witchcraft, sorcery, etc.), evil eye and other evils. Theses verses are based on a hadith that’s narrated by Imam Tabarani[AR] in his book, in which its reported that Prophet[SAW] used these verses to exorcise and cure a boy from influences of an evil Jinn.
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite Complete Manzil 11x, 21x or 33x or 41x or more depending of the severity of the case.
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 7 days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
AMAL 5: Using one Simple verse of Quran
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite -Qul Jaa Al-HaqQu WaMaa YubDi-Ol Ba-Toi-Lu WaMaa Yu-ee-du, Wala-HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa Hil AliYilAzeem [Say: The truth has come, and the falsehood shall vanish and shall not come back[Surah SABA 34:49] and There is no Power or Might except Allah, The Most High] -500x
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x or 13x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
AMAL 6: Using four simple verses of Quran, Surah SABA 34:49, Surah Araf 7:118-119, Surah Hud 11:4
Inshallah, this amal is very simple yet is very effective and powerful and is sufficient to break any form of magic or can be used to banish any powerful Jinn/Shayateen/demons or can be used to defeat any powerful sahir/magician/evil enemy.
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite- “Say: The truth has come, and the falsehood shall vanish and shall not come back[Surah SABA 34:49]. Thus the truth was established, and all that they did was made of no effect. So the (great ones) were vanquished there and then, and were made to look small.[Surah Araf 7:118-119]. To Allah is your return, and He has power over all things. [Surah Hud 11:4] -313x
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12.With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x or 13x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
AMAL 7: Using Ya Shaafi Ya Kaafi Ya Baaqi, La HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa Hil AliYilAzeem
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite – Allaa-Humma Inni As’aloka Be-Ismeka Ya Shaafi Ya Kaafi Ya Baaqi, La HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa Hil ‘Ali Yil Azeem [O' Allah! I beseech Thee in Thy Own name - O The Healer, O The Sufficient, O the Everlasting, There is no Power or Might, except Allah. He is indeed the Most High, the Most Great] -1100x
9. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
10. Make Dua as above – 3x
12. With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
13. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
AMAL 8: Using Surah Fatah 21x (Surah 48)
Ishaallaah, this amal can be used to fullfill any valid need, to break any magic, to expell and drive out any varity of Jinn and for victory over the enemies.
This amal should be done of Thursday between mid night and dawn, in Islamic calander it would be the night of Friday. Surah Fatah should be recited 21x, if not possible recite it 7x every night for three nights continuously. The best time is after offering salaatul Thajjud..
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
7. Recite Surah Fatah (Surah 48) [The first 3 verses of surah fatah should be recite 21x before reciting Surah Fatah every time, like verse 1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3,….21x verse 4, 5,6,…till end.]
8. After every finishing Surah Fatah every time, recite -Qul Jaa Al-HaqQu WaMaa YubDi-Ol Ba-Toi-Lu WaMaa Yu-ee-du, Wala-HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa Hil AliYilAzeem [Say: The truth has come, and the falsehood shall vanish and shall not come back[Surah SABA 34:49] and There is no Power or Might except Allah, The Most High] – 33x
9. Recite the dua mentioned above under “Intention and Dua” 3x
10. With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
[Step 7,8, 9 and 10 should be done 21x so that the total count of Surah Fatah is 21x ]
11. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
13. With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
AMAL 9: Using Isme E Noori
Alhamdulilaaah, this amal is very powerful and can be used to any purpose, to cure any sickness, to break any form of magic, to expell and drive out any varity of Jinn and for victory over the enemies.
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
2. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x
3. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x
5. Recite the following with intentions of protection against counter attacks from sihir and jinns and for safety from all evil-Surah Fatiha 1x, Ayatul Kursi 3x, Surah Falaq 7x, Surah Naas 7x, blow 3x times over the chest and and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe. InshaAllah, this will protect the person doing the amal against the counter attacks of the sahir or jinns.
6. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation as mentioned above.
7. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
8. Recite – Isme E Norri – 101 x
9. Recite the dua mentioned above under “Intention and Dua” 3x
10. With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above mentioned items like drinking water, olive oil, veniger,..etc.
[repeat Step 8, 9 and 10 about 7 or 11 times, like step 8,9,10, 8,9,10, 8,9,10......till 7 or 11 times]
11. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x
13. With full force and power, taking a deep breath each time blow 3x into the above items.
14. Repeat this amal for atleast 11x days continuously without any gaps or breaks.
Additional Instructions to the victim:
- The wazifa- Ya Shaafi Ya Kaafi Ya Baaqi, La HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa, should be recited abundantly day and night as much as possible without any limts. InshaAllah, if the sahir is trying to cast a new spell, the victim who constantly recites this will be in the protection of Allah and the magic or jinns cannot harm him. And, if recited continuously every day and night, with intentions of destroying the magic and for protections against all evil, this wazifa is sufficient and strong enough to break and destroy any form of magic, inshaallah.
- On fear or attacks from jinns or seeing strange creatures..etc, recite – Ya Shaafi Ya Kaafi Ya Baaqi, La HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa, as couple of times continuously and spit 3x towards the direction of the attack.
- After every salaat and before going to bed, recite- Ayatul Kursi 1x and last two surah’s 3x each and blow 3x on the chest and then 3x into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe.If the victim religiously recites this after every salaat, InshaAllah, if the sahir is trying to cast a new spell, the magic or jinns will not harm him.
- While offering fardh, sunnath or nafil salaat, make it a practice of reciting –Ayatul kursi, last two verses of Surah baqrah, and last two surah’s.
- In case there are negative reactions like burning, itching, scratches, movements under the skin, rub some vinegar[kitchen or apple cedar vinegar] over that part of the body continuously reciting- Ya Shaafi Ya Kaafi Ya Baaqi, La HawLa WaLaa KhuWaTa ElLaaBilLaa
- Play Azaan of Medina and Surah Baqara daily once at the home[http://www.mediafire.com/?u827mrqtx55swlu] and/or recite- first 5 verses, ayatul kursi, and last two verse of Surah Baqrah 1x or 3x every morning and evening for complete house protection against all evil.
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