There are 4 places about ALLAH's beautiful names in Al Qur'an.
The most Beautiful Names belong to Allah; so call on him by them; but shun such men as distort His names: for what they do, they will soon be requited.
Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahmán: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.
Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."
Allah. there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names.
He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner.
To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory:
and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
This is a hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w:
Narrated by Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise."
To count something means to know it by heart.
(Bukhari: Volume 9, Book 93, Number 489)
The facts from Surah and Verses
Fact 1
Surahs: 7, 17, 20, 59 = 7 + 17 + 20 + 59 = 103.
There are 4 places about Beautiful Names of ALLAH. ---- 103 - 4 = 99
7 17 20 59 15
Fact 2
Verses: 180, 110, 8, 24 = 180 + 110 + 8 + 24 = 322.
We find 3 and 22.--- 3 x 22 = 66 which is the numerical value of word ALLAH.
If you rotate 66 180 degrees, you'll find number 99.
Fact 3
The multiplication of the verses
(updated 22 April 2003)
Divisible by 99
180 x 110 x 8 x 24 = 3801600 = 99 x 38400
Fact 4
Addition of Surahs = 103
Addition of Verses = 322
103 322 = 19 x 5438.0000
Fact 5
(upgraded 22 April 2003)
Surah x Verses
7x 180=1260
17x110= 1870
Put all the numbers together
7180126017110 187020816059241416 = 19 x 377901369321588790569266275864.0000
Fact 6
Let us add all the numbers of surahs and verses.
7+ 1+8+0 +1+7 +1+1+0+ 2+0+ 8+ 5+9+ 2+4 = 119.
We find 1 and 19 -- we can say WAHID and 19
We find 11 and 9,-- we can say 9 x 11 = 99.
What will happen if we subtract 99 to number of surahs.
Fact 7
99 - 7 = 92
99 -17 = 82
99 - 20 = 79
99 - 59 = 40
Put all of these numbers together. (updated 22 April 2003)
Divisible by 19
99 7 92 99 17 82 99 20 79 99 59 40 = 19 x 5252262725420635789260.0000
Divisible also by 99
99 7 92 99 17 82 99 20 79 99 59 40 = 99 x 1008010018010021010060.0000
1008010018010021010060 = 19 x 53053158842632684740.0000
Also by 66
99 7 92 99 17 82 99 20 79 99 59 40 = 66 x 1512015027015031515090.0000
1512015027015031515090 = 19 x 79579738263949027110.0000
From the result
Divisible by 99
5252262725420635789260 = 99 x 53053158842632684740.0000
Also by 66
5252262725420635789260 = 66 x 79579738263949027110.0000
(I don't know how this thing can happen)
What will happen if we add 99 to number of surahs.
Fact 8
99 +7 = 106
99 +17 = 116
99 + 20 = 119
99 + 59 = 158
106 + 116 + 119 + 158 = 4 99 = There are 4 places of 99 Beautiful Names of ALLAH
4 places of Beautiful Names in Al Qur'an and Asma -Al Husna.
Fact 9
No 7 = Al-Muhaymin (The Guardian).
Numerical Value = Mim, Ha, Ya, Mim, Nun = 40, 8, 10, 40, 50 = 148
No 17 = Ar-Razzaq (The Sustainer).
Numerical Value = Ra, Zay, Alif, Qaf = 200, 7, 1, 100 = 308
No 20 = Al-Qabid (The Constrictor).
Numerical Value = Qaf, Ba, Dhad = 100, 2, 800 = 902
No 59 = Al-Mu'id (The Restorer).
Numerical Value = Mim, 'Ain, Ya, Dal = 40, 70, 10, 4 = 124
Addition of numerical Values:
148 + 308 + 902 + 124 = 1482 = 19 x 78
99 in Surah and Verses.
Fact 10
Surah 15 is the one and only Surah that has 99 verses
15 + 99 = 114
Surah 99 has 8 verses
99 + 8 = 107
114 + 107 = 221 ---- 221 - 99 = 122 (mirror of 221)
221 122 = 19 x 11638.0000 ---- 1+1+6+3+8 = 19
99 in Surah and Verses and 4 places of Beautiful Names.
Fact 11
4 places = surah 7, 17, 20, 59 = 7 + 17 + 20 + 59 = 103
221103 = 19 x 11637.0000
99 in Asma Al-Husna
Numerical Value: Shad, Ba, Wau, Ra = 90 + 2 + 6 + 200 = 298 --- 2 + 9 + 8 = 19
298 - 99 = 199 ---- 1 + 9 + 9 = 19
298 + 99 = 397 ---- 3 + 9 + 7 = 19
Take a look at the combination of this Numerical Value
90 2 6 200 --- itisn'n Multiple 19
Put number 99 after this number
90 2 6 200 99 = 19 x 47506321.0000
99 , Prime Number and Odd Number
The 99th Prime Number is 523
Numerical Value of Asma al Husna no. 99 is 298
523 298 = 19 x 27542.0000
Number of Verses surah 99 = 8
The 99th PPRIME Number is 523
The 99 is ODD Number No 50
Numurical Value of Asma al Husna no. 99 is 298
8 523 50 298 = 19 x 44860542.0000
One of amazing things about 99 is that the last result of Multiplication of 99 will always come to 9.
Let's do this:
2 x 99 = 198 --- 1 + 9 + 8 = 18 --- 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 99 = 891 ---8 + 9 + 1 = 18 --- 1 + 8 =9
123 x 99 = 12177 --- 1+2+1+7+7 = 18 --- 1 + 8 =9
4234245 x 99 = 419190255 --- 4+1+9+1+9+0+2+5+5 = 36 ---3 + 6 =9
7734774633 x 99 = 765742688667 --- 7+6+5+7+4+2+6+8+8+6+6+7 = 72 ---7 + 2 =9
etc ... etc.
How ever you try, the multiplication of 99, 9 will always be the LAST (AKHIR) result.
99 also represent TAUHID
Praise to ALLAH the Almighty the Creator of the Universe
Blessings and Peace on the Muhammad s.a.w, his Family, and his Companions.
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