So you don't like a person because he/she possesses some thing you imagine to be good that you don't have? You feel 'sick' whenever you see him/her; hear people talking about him/her or even when you think of him/her while you are alone. This is because he/she is smarter or wealthier or more knowledgeable or intelligent or virtuous than you are. And you are not able to appreciate his/her unique talent or possession or popularity. And by your behavior you try to downgrade, avoid, or defame him/her, feel happy when he/she suffers a loss or is in a difficulty. But you hide this feeling inside yourself. Do you know that this condition is a sickness of soul and heart and it also harms your physical health is called as Envy, Destructive Jealousy (Hasad)?
Hasad (destructive jealousy) is among the most destructive emotions or feeling which a man may have towards his fellow human being. It causes him to wish evil for others and to be happy when misfortune befalls them. On the other hand, what Islam permits in contrast to Hasad (destructive jealousy) is Ghibtah (envy that is free from malice), which means neither loving the loss of the blessing nor hating for it to remain with the person, but desiring the same for oneself without the removal of the blessing from others.
The Prophet of Allah (SWT)said: Beware of envy because indeed envy destroys good deeds in the same manner as fire destroys wood
Imam al-Baqir (as) said: Verily envy destroys faith like fire destroys wood
The Prophet of Allah (SWT) said: Envy appears to take over destiny
The Prophet of Allah (SWT) said: Allah (SWT) the Almighty said to Musa bin Imran (as), Oh son of Imran, don't be envious of what I have given to people from my grace and don't enchant your eyes with the blessings and don't put your soul in search of them, because the envious person is unhappy at my blessings that I have distributed among my servants
The Prophet of Allah (SWT) said: Beware! Don't be enemy of blessings of Allah (SWT). (He was asked: Oh Prophet of Allah (SWT) "who are those who keep enmity with the blessings of Allah (SWT)?" The Prophet of Allah (SWT) replied: "Those who are envious."
The Prophet of Allah (SWT) said: Beware! Indeed a disease that afflicted past nations before you has reached you like an ant and that is envy because it doesn't eat hair but eats away (your) religion
The Prophet of Allah (SWT) said: Don't be desirous of achieving blessings except from two: A person whom Allah (SWT) has bestowed wealth and he spends it (in the way of Allah (SWT)) day and night and the other person is the one whom Allah (SWT) has given knowledge of Noble Qur'an and he keeps it up with him day and night
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is a disease without remedy
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is worst of diseases
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person is permanently sick
Imam Ali (as) said: The health of body is in absence of envy
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is prison for spirit
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is an exhausting ride
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is the great trap of Shaitan (Satan)
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy is the source of humiliations
Imam Ali (as) said: The one who loves envy, is loved by the troubles
Imam Ali (as) said: The fruit of envy is the misery of world and the hereafter
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy weakens the body
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy dulls the complexion
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person cannot get relief (from envy)
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person cannot be a leader
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person is angry over the destiny
Imam Ali (as) said: An envious person is a bad companion
Imam Ali (as) said: The one who gives up envy is loved by the people
Imam Ali (as) said: Expecting good advice from envious is fruitless
Imam Ali (as) said: It is enough for you that the envious person is sad at your happiness
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious is fast to leap in an attack while slow in showing kindness
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person is sick although he (apparently) possesses healthy body
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person has many unfulfilled desires and his sins are double
Imam Ali (as) said: Envy doesn't bring anything other than harm and anger and weakens your heart and makes your body sick
Imam Ali (as) said: May Allah (SWT) deal with envy! For what an enemy it is! It kills the one who has it
Imam Ali (as) said: The one who is envious imagines that the blessing possessed by envied will be lost and reach him
Imam Ali (as) said: The envious person looks like a loving friend by his speech, but hides malice behind his actions, he is friend only by name but by his characteristics, he is an enemy
Imam Ali (as) said: I have not seen an oppressor so similar to oppressed like an envious person, (because he is) with permanently sick soul, disturbed heart and inseparable sorrow
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: The envious person harms himself before he harms the envied, like Iblis who because of his envy left the legacy of curse on himself and for Adam (as) became the source of God's selection (over himself)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: There is no tranquility for the envious
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: There is no prosperity for envious
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: Calamities for one's religion are envy, self-admiration and pride
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: Satan (Iblis) says to his gang: 'Instill envy and disobedience among them (human beings) because these two are equal to shirk (polytheism)'
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: Beware of envying each other for indeed the basis of disbelief (kufr) is envy
Hazrat Luqman (as) said to his son: The envious person has three signs: backbiting behind them (whom he envies), flatters them in front and is happy when they are in trouble.
So what should a believer do when he/she observes a blessing that he/she lacks is possessed by another servant of Allah (SWT)?
He/she should desire that the blessing possessed by another servant of Allah (SWT) should remain as such and increase and may Allah (SWT) bestow him/her with the same blessing.
He/she must not desire that the blessing be lost from the servant of Allah (SWT). He/she must appreciate that Allah (SWT) has bestowed the blessing to His servant by His own grace and he/she should be happy with Allah (SWT).
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: A believer desires (to achieve) a blessing and avoids envy while a hypocrite envies and is not desirous of (achieving) the blessing
O Allah, Bless Muhammad and his Household and provide me with a breast safe from envy, such that I envy none of Thy creatures and in anything of Thy bounty and such that I see none of Thy favors toward any of Thy creatures in religion or this world, well-being or reverential fear, plenty or ease, without hoping for myself better than it through and from Thee alone, who hast no associate! Imam Zainul Abideen (as)