Saturday, April 30, 2011

The GRAVE ( Think about this for Yourself )

The GRAVE ( Think about this for Yourself )
2.In the name of Allah, the most G racious, the most M erciful

Did you ever stop for a while and asked yourself... 
What is going to happen to me the first night in my grave? 
3.What have I prepared for death? 
Will I be in heaven or Hell fire? 
How often do I remember death? 
Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared to enter your grave... 
4.Think about the day people will be carrying you to your grave.. 

and your families crying.. think about the moment you are put in your grave 

Just imagine.. imaging yourself in your grave..down there in that dark hole... 
5.ALONE... it's too DARK... you cry for help, but there is no answer... Nobody can help you... it's too NARROW.. your bones are squashed... 
6.You regret all the bad things you've done during your life... you regret missing the 5 PRAYERS 
you regret listening to music 
You regret your disrespectful manners towards everyone, especially your parents.. 
you regret not wearing your hijab 
You regret ignoring the orders of ALLAH.. 
You are ALONE in your grave only with your money, no jewelries, nothing.. ONLY YOUR DEEDS.. 



11.FWD to friends if you are not selfish 
and think that it is Allah Who is warning you and giving you a chance to be a good muslim so feel lucky to receive this POST as ALLAH is still hopeful from you.


A Conversation with a Jinn: The Exorcism Experience

*Umm Reem describes her attempt at exorcism and the conversations that occurred during this experience. Please note that this questions of fiqhi nature may not be addressed, as this was not intended to be a course on the methodology of exorcism. Also, as we all know, the Jinn mix a hundred lies with one truth. So, the mention of the Jinn’s profession of Sikhism/Hinduism faiths could be complete lies, esp. since these faiths do not worship Satan as the Jinn professed. No offense is intended to other faiths as the story is being narrated from what was told to Umm Reem, so she she cannot control what was said or not said to her. Finally, please do not try this at home!*


We read and we believe in every word of Noble Qu’ran and the ahadeeth of the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam. We believe, without ever doubting, in all that Qur’an and ahadeeth talks about although we may never witness it. However, sometimes by Allah’s Mercy, we get to experience something further which affirms our faith and satisfies our hearts, and we thank Allah azzawjal for allowing us such an opportunity. It is for this reason that I want to share an incident, hoping that may this be a beneficial and Iman-boosting read for everyone.

During my visit to Pakistan last month, I had the opportunity to read over a ‘possessed’ girl. I will not discuss the details, but my conversation with the jinn, a creation of Allah that we have heard of but never seen, is definitely worth sharing. The conversation was a mixture of Urdu and Punjabi and I tried to be as precise as I can with the translation. This is not the complete conversation but bits and pieces.

I started of with the adhaan and some recitation from Qur’an until it, or she to be precise, agreed to talk to me. She was a female Jinnee named Seeta who had possessed a Muslim girl for almost 6-7 years. It wasn’t a voluntary possession rather a case of black magic. As advised, I tried to invite her to Islam first. Apparently it was the first time anyone had ever invited her to Islam so she was a little shocked:

Seeta: How can I become a Muslim?

Me: Why not, anyone can become a Muslim.

Seeta: But I am evil and I have done many evil actions.

Me: It’s okay you will be forgiven if you truly repent. My Rabb is the Most forgiving!

Seeta: But I’ve been a Hindu for centuries, I cannot change now.

Me: Sure you can if you truly believe that Islam is the true religion. Why don’t you go around and see. You can travel very fast. Go around and you will find Muslim Jinns of your kind. Talk to them and ask them, they will teach you about this religion.

Seeta: Yes, I know. Their caravans pass by us and we make fun of them.

SubhanAllah, I was truly amazed when she said this. It reminded me of the first ayah of Surah Jinn: “Say (O Muhammad): “It has been revealed to me that a group of jinns listened (to this Qur’an). They said: ‘Verily! We have heard a wonderful Recital (this Qur’an)!” And I pictured a “group” of Jinn and how they still travel in caravans!

Me: Haven’t you seen the angels when you go up on the heavens and tried to listen to their conversations?

Seeta: Yes. They throw stones at us. I’ve been hit by them many times. My right arm was broken because of that!!

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t help but pause and just stare at the sky for few seconds. Up above those heavens, stern guards of Allah, the angels, are protecting the skies with meteor (‘stones’ as Seeta said), exactlyhow it is described in the Qur’an:

“And we have sought to reach the heaven; but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires. And verily, we used to sit there in stations, to (steal) a hearing, but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.” (Jinn: 8-9)

“Verily! We have adorned the near heaven with the stars (for beauty).And to guard against every rebellious devil. They cannot listen to the higher group (angels) for they are pelted from every side. Outcast, and theirs is a constant (or painful) torment. Except such as snatch away something by stealing and they are pursued by a flaming fire of piercing brightness.” (Saffat: 6-10)

I swear by Allah, I don’t see a reason why anyone’s eyes will not over flow with tears at this—tears of joy, a feeling of contentment, and a blissful satisfaction. SubhanAllah, a matter of ‘unseen’ was being described by someone who had seen it yet not believed in it, and was describing without realizing the effects it was having on the listener, not only just me but the others around and the ones who will hear it for as long as I shall live.

During our conversation, I learned that she was a Sikh but got married to a Hindu jinn (who died) and she adopted her husband’s religion and she insisted that husband’s religion is wife’s religion (wow talk about obedience to husbands!). But, she tried to cause confusion by insisting that she was an evil dead-soul (‘bad ruh’ the concept of which still confuses many Pakistanis). Previously she had everyone believed that she was an evil dead-soul, but when I rebuked her a few times for lying and told her that she wasn’t dead yet, then finally she confessed.

In any case, she asked me to give her time to think. But when I reminded her of death and the Day of Judgment, she asked the same ‘legendary’ question that why will she get hurt in Hellfire when she is made of fire! At times she also said that she doesn’t want to change her religion. And finally she said what manifested her ‘nature’ and confirmed her reality:

“I know Allah is the Creator but I cannot bow down to him!”

La howla wala quwatta illa billah. Same arrogance, same pride. Didn’t Iblees refuse to make sajdah even though he was certain of Allah being the Creator:

“…Aba wastakbarah…”[And they prostrated except Iblîs (Satan), he refusedand was proud and was one of the disbelievers. 2:34]

I told her that she was doing exactly what her ‘master’ Iblees had done, and she replied:

“We are all of the same nature!” iyyadhobillah.

I sat there staring at her thinking to myself that this creation is low in intellect and high in arrogance and so even after seeing the clear Miracles of Allah azzawjal refuses to believe. On the other hand, humans cannot see what these jinns can see, but are blessed with a higher intellect. And perhaps that’s why humanity has more ‘logical’ and ‘reasonable’ proofs with the addition of the living miracle of Qur’an to see the truthfulness of Islam, yet if humans refuse then what good is that intellect which still leads to arrogance and ignorance!

We seek Allah’s refuge from the evil characteristics of arrogance, a trait of shaytaan.

Of the things that she said about Ibless was that he has a throne above the water!

The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alihi wasalm, said:

“Iblees placed his throne on water then he sends out his emissaries…” (Muslim, 5023)

She also said that he has told them that he will wear a crown on the Day of Judgment.

He has also promised them of unlimited ‘rewards’. She said,

“Your Rabb has promised you rewards and our Iblees has promised us rewards.”

Surely his promises are nothing but lies, as mentioned in Qur’an:

“And Shaitân (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: “Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for theZâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.).” (14:22)

And surely he will turn his backs on all those who obeyed him:

“Their allies deceived them) like Shaitân (Satan), when he says to man: “Disbelieve in Allah.” But when (man) disbelieves in Allah, Shaitân (Satan) says: “I am free of you, I fear Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!” (59:16)

She had a particular obsession with Iblees’s beauty and kept repeating how handsome he is, a’oodhobillahi minhu. She also uttered a lot of evil which can only be uttered by someone wicked, and I will not mention it here.

Let me mention that the spell was cast upon the girl out of sheer jealousy and sadly by a very close relative. That day, as I read Surah Falaq upon her and got to the last verse, wAllahi I felt like I was reading it for the first time. It was as if I could ‘understand’ the meanings of it: “And from the evil of the envier when he envies.”

I was able to see what jealousy can cause; I could see the dangers of the one who becomes jealous,iyyadhobillah. That day, I truly appreciated the du’as of protecting oneself from evil eye and jealousy, and theadhkar of day and night.

Let me also state a few things that I had previously learned about jinns, mainly from Bilal Philip’s book and from Sh. Yasir’s Aqeedah class, and were confirmed by talking to Seeta:

She mentioned that if she leaves that girl, then she would want to possess someone else, I asked her the reason and she said:

“Because it is fun and I enjoy bothering people!” a’oodhobiAllah!

She liked attention and perhaps that’s why she was so talkative. However, she was a liar who tried to cause as many confusion as she possibly could.

She had a strong hold on the girl while in the bathroom. To be honest, some of the incidents were quite scary and I won’t even mention them. My sincere advice is to never forget the du’a before entering the bathroom!

To conclude, I have some advice for myself and for everyone else. To have a strong faith in Allah azzawjal and placing one’s tawakkul in Allah alone is a strong weapon against shayateen. If I ever get the permission from this sister, I would like to write about how she was before when the Jinn possessed her and how improving her faith kept weakening the jinn in her.

The beautiful adhkaar and the du’as are indeed a fortress of a believer. To be quite honest, that is the only defense we have against them but it is the fortification if we read with certainty and belief.

Be punctual with the prayers and read Qur’an. Make sure you recite Qur’an, and if you cannot (for some reasonable reason) then have it recited in your house everyday. Read your dua’s before leaving and upon entering the house (so shayateen don’t enter with you), before eating, before entering the bathroom and especially before falling asleep. May Allah azzawjal protect us from the fitan and sharr of all the shayateen among men and jinn, protect our spouses, children, families and all the Muslims around the world.

Lastly and most importantly, may Allah azzawjal reward Sh. Yasir Qadhi for his valuable advice and for taking time out to assist me throughout the exorcism.

The Barrier between Rivers and seas

Allah (SWT) says: “It is He Who has mixed up (maraja) the two seas, this (one) very fresh [river], and this (other one) very salt, and has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.” (Quran 25: 53)

Man from olden times has seen the rivers flow into the sea and noticed that the river water gradually loses its distinctive color and taste as it goes deeper into the sea. He has concluded that the river gradually mixes with seawater; otherwise the river would change into a freshwater sea expanding day by day till it would overwhelm the original sea.

With the advances of science and its endeavor to explore the mysteries of the Universe man started investigating the way a sea meets with a river, and studied samples of water from the area where a river meets a sea. He studied the levels of salinity, and measured temperatures and density, and collected specimens of living organisms and classified them determining the places of their existence and studying their abilities to live in river and marine environments.

Three type of water at Estuary

After surveying a large number of estuaries, scholars discovered unknown secrets, and researchers found out that waters are of three types:

1. Water of rivers that is very fresh.
2. Seawater that is very salty.
3. Water of the estuary that is a mixture of salt and fresh water. The estuary is an area separating the river from the sea and moves between them under the influence of tides and the flooding or recession of the river. The closer to the sea the greater its salinity in it; the closer to the river the fresher its water.

Three types of water at Estuary
Around the estuary there is an aquatic barrier that preserves its distinctive properties even if the river is flowing into the sea in the form of a waterfall.
In spit of the forces of tides and floods and recessions that are regarded as very strong factors of mixing, no direct meeting occurs between the water of the river and that of the sea because the barrier surrounding the estuary always separates them. But the water of the river mixes with seawater slowly through the partition represented by the water of the estuary and the water barrier surrounding it.

The three water masses (the water of the river, seawater and the water of the estuary) differ with respect to the degree of salinity. The researchers that classified the organisms living in them discovered the following:

a. Most of the creatures living in the sea, river, or estuary cannot live in an environment other than their own habitat: otherwise, they would die. But a few species, such as salmons and eels, can live in all three habitats and can adapt to every environment.

b. By classifying the three environments where living organisms live, the estuary is regarded as an area of confinement for most of the organisms living in it, for such organisms cannot live save in the aquatic medium the degree of salinity of which suites their osmotic pressure, and they would die if they came out of the habitat that is suitable for them, i.e., the estuary.

Meanwhile, the estuary is a forbidden area for most of the living organisms that live in the sea or the river, for these organisms die if they enter it due to the difference in the osmotic pressure also.
Allah (SWT) has created this wonderful aquatic system to keep these meeting aquatic masses apart and preserve their distinctive properties so that rivers keep their freshness and all aquatic organisms find the suitable environments for their living. If the naked eye cannot see this partition with which Allah (SWT) preserves the estuary, satellites today have provided us with wonderful images showing us the boundaries of the three aquatic masses that get clearer with the increase of the difference in the temperature of the water and the materials it carries.

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image of the Rio de la Plata estuary (Argentina), with input of river water from the Uruguay and Parana rivers notably visible.

Although freshwater mixes with seawater, there are limits at the two ends of the limited area that impose constrictions on what enters it or comes out of it. This exactly describes the estuary. The Holy Qur’an describes the area where the three aquatic masses meet very precisely and concisely showing the relationship between the three aquatic masses and the organisms living in them.

Allah (SWT) says: “It is He Who has mixed up (maraja) the two seas, this (one) very fresh [river], and this (other one) very salt, and has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.” (Quran 25: 53)

Satellite image of an Estuary

Linguistic meanings and the sayings of the commentators:
The word “maraja” has two obvious meanings:

First: mixing
Allah (SWT) says: “But they deny the truth when it comes to them, so they are in a confused (mixed up) state (amrin marij).” (Quran 50: 5) In Lisan al-‘Arab (amrin marij: i.e., mixed up) Al-Asfahani said in al-Mufradat: (the original meaning of “Marj” is “mixing up”) Al-Zabidi said: (Allah “maraja” the two seas, the fresh and the salt, means He mixed them up till they met.) Al-Zajjaj said: “maraja” means He mixed up the salt sea with the fresh sea.

Ibn Jarir al-Tabari said: (And it is Allah Who mixed up the two seas and thus “amraja” one with the other and let it flow into it.) The basic sense of “marj” is “mixing up”, as in the Saying of Allah: “In amrin marij”, i.e. mixed up.

Ibn ‘Abbas is reported to have said about the Saying of Allah (He maraja the two seas): It means He cast one on the other. Mujahid said: He let one flow on the other. Al-Dhahhak agreed with Ibn ‘Abbas. This meaning is supported by a group of commentators, such as al-Qurtubi, Abu Hayyan, al-Alusi, al-Khazin, al-Razi, al-Shawkani and al-Shanqiti.

Second: Going to and fro and turbulence (restlessness)
In Mu’jam Maqayis al-Lugha, Ibn Faris said: (The consonants m, r and j together make up a basic unit expressing the idea of going to and fro and turbulence.) He said: “the ring maraja around the finger” means “it became loose.” The same sense applies to all the uses of the word, such as (The trusts and pledges of the people marajat) meaning: They were upset and mixed up.The same meaning is mentioned in al-Sihah by al-Jawhari and in Lisan al-‘Arab.The same is said by al-Zabidi and al-Asfahani.

(The two seas: This is ‘adhbun furat (very fresh) and this is milhun ‘ujaj (very salt))
The fresh sea is the river, The Holy describes it with two properties: “‘adhb” and “furat”, which collectively mean that the water of this sea (i.e., the river) is very fresh as implied by the word “furat”. This description excludes the water of the estuary which can be described as ‘adhb (fresh) but cannot be said to be “furat”.

The very salt water is the water of the seas. The Holy Qur’an describes it with two properties: “milh” and “’ujaj”. ‘Ujaj means very salt, thus excluding the water of the estuary, for it is a mixture of salt and fresh water and cannot be described as milhun ‘ujaj (very salt).
Thus with these four properties we can demarcate the following three masses of water:
1. (This is)‘adhbun furat (very fresh water): the water of the river,
2. (This is) milhun ‘ujaj (very salt water): seawater, and
3. (and placed between them barzakhan and hijran mahjura): Barzakh is the aquatic barrier surrounding the estuary.

What about the hijran mahjura?

Hijr or hajr means “prohibition and restriction”. The mind is described as “hijr” because it prevents one from doing what ought not to be done. Allah (SWT) says: “There is indeed in them (oaths mentioned above) sufficient proofs for men of hijr (understanding).” (Quran 89: 5) A fool is usually prohibited by the judge from disposing of his wealth, for it is in hijr or hajr, the latter being preferable. In a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasa’i and Ahmad Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to a Bedouin: “You have “tahajjarta” (restricted) what is wide or spacious.”

Ibn Manzur said: “You have ‘tahajjarta” what is wide” means “You have restricted what Allah has made spacious and kept it for yourself exclusively.”We can understand here that the living organisms in the estuary live in confinement and are not allowed to come out of it.

This area is also described as mahjurah (i.e., prohibited). From this expression we may imply another meaning apart from the first; namely, the other organisms are not allowed to enter it either. Therefore, it is hijr (prison) for the organisms living in it, and admittance to it is not permissible for those living outside it. The meaning of the verse is then: He placed between the sea and the river an aquatic partition, i.e., the aquatic barrier surrounding the estuary, and made the water between the river and the sea a place of confinement for its living organisms and forbidden for the organisms living outside it in the sea or the river.

The Estuary region has its own organisms

See how human knowledge fails to grasp the details of what the Holy Qur’an has stated. Some of the commentators mention that the barrier is land (as barrier of earth). Some others declared their inability to specify and describe it and said that it was a partition that could not be seen by anybody. All this shows us that the knowledge given to Muhammad (peace upon him) included what could not be perceived by the human mind at the time of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and during several centuries following it.

In the Qur’anic Verse: “It is He Who has mixed up (maraja) the two seas, this (one) very fresh [river],” (Quran 25: 53) the Qur’anic text does not describe the water as ‘adhb (fresh) but it modifies this characteristic with the modifier “furat” to intensify the freshness of the water; otherwise, the reader may wrongly think that the estuary is included in this description, for it is characterized by some freshness. Thus describing the water of the sea referred to as very fresh excludes the estuary from this description and keeps it for the river as such, by saying: “This is very fresh (‘adhbun furat).” Likewise, the Qur’anic text excludes the estuary from the zone of the very salt sea through modifying the adjective “salt” with the modifier “‘ujaj” to intensify the salinity of the seawater, lest one should claim that the estuary also has salinity and thus it is part of the salt sea. By adding the word “‘ujaj” the Qur’anic text excludes the estuary from this description, which is kept for the sea as such. Consequently we have three distinct zones or areas: a very salt sea, a very fresh sea (river) and the estuary that is a mixture of fresh and salt water.

Now see how people of great talent were unable, several centuries after the revelation of the Holy Qur’an, to understand such subtle facts and mysteries and how science finally came to reveal them. Allah (SWT) tells the Truth when He says: “Say: ‘Praise be to Allah.” He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them.” (Quran 27: 93)

See how the intended meaning has been settled at last after the commentators were uncertain about it for a long time. Allah (SWT) says: “For every news there is a reality and you shall come to know.” (Quran 6: 67) Allah (SWT) also says: “And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.” (Quran 38: 88)

Who informed the Prophet?

Then who informed the illiterate Prophet, who lived in an illiterate nation in a desert environment where there was no river or an estuary, of these subtle secrets concerning the aquatic masses of various structures: very fresh, very salt and a barrier and an area of confinement in-between, and that hajr means the area into which organisms living in the other two aquatic areas are not admitted.

How long did this take man to discover? How many minute instruments and modern equipment has he used to find out these facts, which the illiterate Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned 14 hundred years ago very precisely and concisely?

Look into the fine difference that distinguishes between the meeting of two salt seas and that between a salt sea and a fresh one. You will see that in the first case there is no zone of confinement because the osmotic difference in the two seas is not great, which allows the living organisms in the two seas to transfer from one sea to the other. In the case of the meeting of the salt sea and the fresh one (the river), there must be an estuary where the water is a mixture that is neither very salt nor very fresh, which results in great differences in the osmolity and consequently makes the estuary a zone of confinement for the organisms living in it preventing them from moving into the sea or the river. This also prohibits the organisms living in the sea or the river from entering the estuary. See how the Holy Qur’an expresses these facts clearly, nicely and concisely. In describing the meeting of the two salt seas it says: “He has let free (MARAJA) the two sees meeting together. Between them is a barrier that they do not transgress” in describing the meeting between the salt water and the fresh water, it says: “It is He Who has mixed up (maraja) the two seas, this (one) very fresh [river], and this (other one) very salt, and has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.”

Whence, then, did this knowledge come to Muhammad (peace be upon him) other than from Allah, Who knows everything?

  • Where the Rivers Meet the Sea (The transition from salt to fresh water is turbulent, vulnerable, and incredibly bountiful)