Monday, April 11, 2011

Forgive me Allah

Allah, I`m always praise to you in the night and in the day.
When before i sleep in my room, i`m always sad, because im not granted to enter Jannah. How fortune Rasulullah and Sahabat can be granted by You.

But, now im realize. That my life only spend not for Islam, still enjoying my useless joyfull. Rasulullah made da`wah till the end of his life, and I? I just a girl. But, now im understand what should i do.

Then I opened my all book at my shelf. I found my self back, my soul back and i loves islam well when i was young. Now I want my life back. I feel like want spread Islam all over the world with this blog. And also with my passion in art and fashion. I`m sure i can change my life with islam.

Now my aim only for Allah, I feel so powerfull when i thankfull to you for my life, for my family, for my everything. I don`t care anymore with people around me talk about. I just feel safe and calm with you, Allah.

How fortune the roses in the garden, they can be a flower in Jannah...Then I???

Forgive me Allah.