In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Assalamualaikum wa-rahmatullah
I am a Muslimah trying to improve myself in light of my deen, for the sake of Allah(S.W.T). I’m definitely not a scholar but just another slave of Allah who’s knowledge is pretty limited but Alhumdulillah, I’ve been trying to put an effort to learn about the Sunnah way of doing things.. I’m just another muslimah trying to improve herself and strengthen my Iman, with the guidance of the Almighty.
Alhumdulillah, This blog comes as a result of my journey from a girl who’s been lost in the darkness of dunya to a woman who found peace and contentment in the Light of Islam .. with the blessings of the Almighty- Allah(S.W.T).
I’m in pursuit of peace.. Peace of heart, mind and soul!.. Peace attained by submitting to the only one God – Allah (SWT). Alhumdulillah.
Other than my thoughts on my life as a humble servant of Allah(S.W.T).. this blog will also serve as a ‘back-up’ (if i may call it that).. of articles, posts, videos, etc which I’ve found interesting and helpful.
P.S. While you are reading my posts or articles that I have shared, if you happen to like even one of them please do take a minute to make dua for me and my family. Jazakallahu Khair!
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